He became Master of Wine in November 2012. He is currently Chairman of the Association of Vinologists in Holland. He travelled extensively to vineyards on five continents. He is a noted wine educator in the Netherlands and runs his own independent wine consultancy and training business. Among his clients are Lallemand (Canada) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of The Netherlands. Cees has twice been named Dutch Vinologist of the Year in Holland.

He was included in 2019 list of Top Wine Influencers to Follow in 2019. Luiz Alberto is a Boston based blogger & the founder of the editorial Wine Hub as well as the #WineLover online community. He uses social media to share his passion for wine. The Wine Hub features various content related to Wine & Food, Wine Tasting, etc. It has also various blogs related to wines.

Oenology Professor and PhD coordinator at USAMV Bucharest. Research vice-president ADAR. Expert and OIV delegate of MADR (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), oenology committee. Expert wine taster and OIV Observer. Member of Honor of International Academy of Sensory Analysis at Centro degli Studi Assagiatori.

ADAR Vicepresident, Dealul Mare area, expert taster. Doctor in Oenology.

Elizaveta BREAHNĂ
Certified state taster of the Republic of Moldova. Secretary General of the Oenologists Union from the Republic of Moldova. Director of ONVV (National Office for Vine and Wine of the Republic of Moldova). European sommelier ACE Member.

Paul Michael CAPUTO
Paul Caputo is a wine writer and entrepreneur. In the UK he owns Mistral, an independent wine bar and merchant. He also runs Vinorandum, a large search engine and journalism project committed to showcasing rare wines and grape varieties. He writes for numerous websites and publications (including his own site https://www.paulcaputo.wine/) and hosts regular tastings and masterclasses.

Wine-journalist. Between 2001 and 2014 he was editor in chief at Connaisseur and Vinul.ro wine magazines. FIJEV member. ADAR (Romanian Authorized Wine-Tasters Association) member. WSET Level 3. Organizer of several wine competitions and wine events. “Benchmark Taster” award – Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2019. Riedel Ambassador for Romania. Marketing sales consultant.

Graduate in communications and public relations. Author of the wines blog www.finewine.md. European Sommelier Association Member.

Oenology and Ampelography lecturer at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi. Ph.D. in Oenology and Viticulture. Member of ADAR (Romanian Authorized Wine-Tasters Association). Juror in various national and international Wine Contests.

ADAR Vicepresident, Moldova viticultural zone. Romanian oenologist of the year in 2006. Wine and Spirits Expert taster. Wine engineer, doctor in Oenology. 14 years expertise at Concours Mondial du Vin Bruxelles. Great Gold Medal for consequent judgement at Concours Mondial du Vin Bruxelles

Valeriu V. COTEA
Professor at University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iași. Scientific Secretary of the OIV Oenology Commission. OIV taster and delegate to numerous international wine competitions under the auspices of the OIV. Expert wine taster since 1997. Corresponding member of the Romanian Academy.

Ph.D. in oenology (Faculty of Horticulture of IANB- Bucharest). Master in Sensory Analysis of Wines at the Department of Oenology in Geisenheim. Former Senior Agricultural Officer at the Directorate for Vine and Wine of the Ministry of Agriculture of Cyprus. Former Scientific Associate at the Cyprus University of Technology – Department of Viticulture and Winemaking. Founder of the Oenophile Association of Cyprus. Founder and Honorary President of the Cyprus Sommelier Association. Member of ADAR (Association of Authorized Tasters Romania). Member of the Gastronomos Committee (Great-Taste-Awards- Cyprus).

Roberto GAUDIO
Responsible of the “Mondial des Vins Extrêmes”. Graduated in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Turin. In 2011 he has been nominated by the Aosta Valley Autonomous Region as President of Cervim and reconfirmed for two mandates. He coordinated the organization of International Congresses on Mountain Viticulture and in Steep Slope, held in 2012 in Lyon (France), in 2017 in Conegliano (Italy) and in 2018 in Tenerife (Spain).

Certified ADAR taster, sommelier, liquor store manager. Experience in HORECA.

Journalist starting with 1993, he has worked in a variety of roles, mainly in newspapers but also in television, as a reporter, editor, columnist and commentator. His journey through the wine world started in a natural manner: as wine lover and collector. His love for written stories and also for fine wines led him to the decision of starting a wine blog named “Vindinpresa” but the decisive step was made in January 2011 when he got his break as a wine writer-editor of “Vinul.Ro” magazine. He gains an extensive expertise by regularly participating in wine-tasting, national and international wine fairs and festivals and being member of wine-juries . Freelancer from 2017, has opened a new editorial platform devoted to wine – winepeople.ro – and is involved in organizing the Central Park Wine Festival.

OIV Expert. Specialist inspector in the Territorial Inspectorate ONVPV Banat-Crisana. Member of the wine classification commissions. WSET Advanced Certified (Level III). Certified BTSF (international programme Better Training for Safer Food).

Matthew HORKEY
Co-founder of Exotic Wine Travel, an award-winning platform promoting wine, food, and travel in unique wine regions around the world. Author of three wine books Uncorking the Caucasus: Wine From Turkey, Armenia, and Georgia (Gourmand Award), Sipping Santa Barbara: Recommended Wines and Producers, and Cracking Croatian Wine: A Visitor Friendly Guide (Gourmand Award: Best In The World). WSET Advanced Certified (Level III)

Cezar IOAN
Founder (2007) and editor-in-chief Vinul.ro, the only monthly wine magazine in Romania. Organiser of hundreds events which promote local wine varieties (Vinul.ro Days, Feteasca Circle, Spring in Rosé, Autumn in Red, Summer in White etc). Journalist, blogger, activist of traditional gastronomy, coauthor of “Romanian Gastronomy in the XXIst Century”). Founder of “Revolutiei Plescoi”, a concept which wishes to bring romanian gastronomy in the public eye.

Laurențiu HORODNIC
ADAR Member. Communicator and founder of the wine blog www.oenolog.ro. Founder of the Vademecum Wine Club. Master of Science in enology and viticulture. Organiser of several wine competitions. Communication, development and training consultant to leading Romanian companies in sectors including food, wine, spirits.

He writes about the wines and wine regions of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe for publications including Decanter and Harpers Wine & Spirit in Great Britain, Meininger’s Wine Business International in Germany and wine-searcher.com. He has contributed to Hugh Johnson´s Pocket Wine Book. Darrel is a taster for Gault & Millau in Austria. Darrel also conducts wine master-classes, tastings and presentations for wine clubs, wine schools, businesses and private clients throughout Europe

Christian KEMPE

Deputy director, wine & tourism industries team leader within the Moldova Competitiveness Project (founded by USAID and Sweden). Professional Master in Law, Economics and Management of the Wine Industry, Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV University, France. General Secretary of the Association of European Sommeliers (ASE). PhD in Law. University Lecturer. Moldova State University.

Professional Sommelier, combined experience of 25 years in the hospitality industry. Owner „Winetaste School”, professional sommelier forming. Juror in national and international wine competitions. Wine journalist, Member of the Romanian Association of Journalists and Writers in Touris.

Chan Jun PARK
CEO, Wine Columnist, Lecturer & Consultant. Asia Director for Asia Wine Trophy (www.asia-wine-trophy.com), Berlin Wine Trophy (www.dwm.de), Portugal Wine Trophy. Initiator & Director Asia Wine Conference (www.djwinefair.com). Vice President (International Relations) Korea International Sommelier Association. Founder & Member Korea Wine Writers Club since 2015. Executive Editor Web Magazine THE SCENT (www.the-scent.co.kr). Associate Member of AWPA – Asian Wine Producers Association (www.asianwinesassociation.com)

Jean Pierre PEYNAUD
President of Formation médicale continue- des médecins amis du Vin association- which has organised journeys with the theme Wine and Vineyards. Member of l’Ordre Illustre des Chevaliers de la Méduse for promoting Provence wines. He has hold conferences on themes like The benefits of wine for the health, The Neurophysics of the wine tasting, The birth of modern oenology and the foundation of Bourdeaux Oenology Institute by Emile Peynaud.

The Scientific Secretary of the OIV Award Jury. Engineer in oenology and viticulture. Perfumer. International lecturer and oenology consultant. Author of the book Les Parfums du Vin (awarded by the OIV in 2015) and of several articles per year. Tasting and sensory analysis professor in Changins Engineer School, ISVV Bordeaux and Agrosup Dijon. Juror in several international and national wine tasting competitions. Editor of Objectif, a Swiss review in oenology and viticulture. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Fondation Internationale des Sciences et Culture de la Vigne et du Vin (FISCVV).

WSET advanced level 2009. Student WSET London Diploma and Wine Scholar Guild Champagne Master level. Graduated International Business Relationship- ASE Bucharest. Founder OPiA Celebrate Champagne- (www.opia.ro) events and wine blog. Creative of wine concept events for education in wine, “Around the world in a glass of wine”®. OPiA Masterclasses “ Soiree de champagne”, “ Ladies behind the bubbles of champagne”, “Romanian sparkling wines traditional method”, “Sparkling phenomenon ”. Instagram: opiacelebratechampagne

ADAR Member. Co-founder of the wine blog vin2.ro – stories with wine. #winelover community Ambassador for Romania. Collaborator Vinul.ro – wine magazine. Organiser of Rose Wine Contest. Initiator of the course Wine at School- Romanian varieties course. Co-founder Winelover Romania Association.

Charine TAN
Co-founder of Exotic Wine Travel, an award-winning platform promoting wine, food, and travel in unique wine regions around the world. Author of three wine books Uncorking the Caucasus: Wine From Turkey, Armenia, and Georgia (Gourmand Award), Sipping Santa Barbara: Recommended Wines and Producers, and Cracking Croatian Wine: A Visitor Friendly Guide (Gourmand Award: Best In The World). WSET Advanced Certified (Level III)

ADAR member. Communicator and author of the blogs www.cosmintudoran.ro, www.auskia.ro and www.instagramology.ro.

His wine writer’s and wine taster’s journey began 17 years ago, thanks website Vínko.sk. In 2008 he was one of founders magazine Vinoteka and over time become only one wine magazine in Slovakia. Now he is editor in chief winemagazin Vinoteka. Author of VinkoPRO, electronic system for evaluations of wines and promoting results of competitions. Member of commission of ministry of agriculture for classifying wine, member of commission National Collection of Wine(TOP 100 Slovak wines), commission for classifying young Saint Catherine wines(president and sponsor), president of one of the most prestigious competitions in Slovakia, Vino Tirnavia IWC. Consultant for wine distributors in Slovakia. Experience as a judge from many international competitions.
Technical Panel and Secretariat

ADAR member. OSR 2011 member –Romanian Sommeliers Organization. Founding member of the wine club “9th generation of wine”. WSET level 2.

Octavian FIRU
ADAR (Romanian Authorized Wine-Tasters Association) member.

ADAR (Romanian Authorized Wine-Tasters Association) member.

ADAR (Romanian Authorized Wine-Tasters Association) Member. Specialist inspector in the Territorial Inspectorate ONVPV Iasi. Member of the wine classification commissions

Graduated Master of Performing Technologies, Management and Viticulture Marketing at the Faculty of Horticulture in Bucharest. WSET student.

Authorised ADAR (Romanian Authorized Wine-Tasters Association) wine taster. Viticulture, oenology and fruit growing consultant. Develops viticulture and fruit growing technical projects.
IWCB 2019 JURY has been constituted.
Apply for the IWCB 2020 Jury?
If you would like to be part of the experts group who will jury the International Wine Contest Bucharest (IWCB), please send your CV’s by email, accompanied by a Request of Intent.
Your application will be reviewed by the Association of Certified Tasters Romania (ADAR), then subject to the attention of International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV).
Graduation of internship training ADAR or WSET could be an advantage, and also the membership in professional organizations recognized worldwide.