The Wine Economist- unul dintre cele mai complexe bloguri despre vin din lume, despre vinurile romanesti.

Mike Veseth, editor-in-chief, a participat in calitate de jurat la IWCB 2018. Regasiti aici cateva materiale pe care le-a scris impreuna cu sotia lui, Sue Veseth, despre Romania si viitorul vinului romanesc.

Confessions of a Rookie Wine Judge

I have declined several invitations to serve on wine competition juries, but when Catalin Paduraru asked me to be be part of the International Wine Competition Bucharest I just couldn’t say no.

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Misunderstanding Romanian Wine

It is easy to misunderstand Romania and its wine industry.

It is tempting to view Romanian wine as both old and new, too. Wine has been made in Romania for six or seven thousand years and the culture both embraces wine and consumes it with gusto.

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What’s Ahead for Romanian Wine?

Sue and I are optimistic about Romania’s success. Excellent wines, smart, determined people. We raise our glasses to the future of Romanian wine!

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